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东京残奥会从哪里看 东京残奥会在哪看

日期:2024-01-12 04:43:25作者:人气:0



  1. 据报道,东京残奥会首有参赛选手感染新冠,当地采取了什么举措?
  2. 东京残奥会英语作文观后感
  3. 东京残奥会有没有跳水项目?
  4. 东京残奥会塞尔维亚第几个出场




【 #英语资源# 导语】残奥会帮助很多人实现了梦想,其旅程并没有结束。这个世界并不完美,但占世界15%的人口(残疾人)不会被丢下,会在包容的世界里积极生活。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.东京残奥会英语作文观后感

"16 gold in a single day! the medals of the chinese delegation in the tokyo paralympic games exceeded 100 ", and the excellent performance of chinese paralympic athletes rushed to the hot search list without accident. at the tokyo paralympic games, chinese athletes broke through themselves, persevered and worked hard to make the impossible possible one by one. with high fighting spirit and tenacious style, they performed china's spirit incisively and vividly. young cadres in the new era should draw strength from it and practice the clank oath of "a powerful country has me" with practical actions that dare to break through and fight.

if you want to compete with god, your dream is unlimited. dong feixia, the discus champion who was paralyzed from childhood and accompanied by a wheelchair, li zhangyu, the champion of bicycle time trial with congenital cerebral palsy, and zhao shuai, the champion of men's singles of table tennis who lost his left arm due to an accident... for them, their physical disability did not prevent them from pursuing their dreams. they overcame physical obstacles with thousands of times harder efforts than ordinary people and trained silently day after day, finally, he showed his strength in the field of the tokyo paralympic games, won glory for the country with his excellent achievements and excellent performance, achieved his dreams and realized his own value. based on the new era, the majority of young cadres are builders who take root at the grass-roots level and devote their youth. they are the backbone to realize the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. they can't spend their enthusiasm and initiative in entrepreneurship just because they are at the grass-roots level and do seemingly trivial things every day“ young cadres should cultivate a calm and calm attitude and the spirit of striving to be the first. they should go to the grass-roots "dundun miao" to practice the "big heart" and forge their true skills in the difficult environment and hard-working posts with complex situations and problems.

if the fire burns easily, the spirit is not slack. behind every achievement and gold medal is the extraordinary perseverance and hard practice of paralympic athletes. when they lost their arms, they could only keep their posture by biting the towel tightly with their mouth. when they were close to the end, they hit the swimming pool wall with their head to ensure accurate results. chinese athletes zheng tao, wang li chao and yuan wei won the gold, silver and copper of the men's 50m butterfly with absolute advantages, which was affectionately called "armless flying fish" by netizens. choking water again and again, struggling and insisting again and again, they interpret self-improvement with the spray of full sprint, and show the chinese people's spirit of never giving up with "invisible wings"“ in the journey of striving to realize the chinese dream, young cadres should pay close attention to the development goals, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strengthen their determination and confidence in development, defy all difficulties and obstacles, bravely shoulder the mission, work hard and do solid work, hammer after hammer, with an indomitable spirit, the spirit of struggle to the end of the revolution and the attitude of never moving forward work one thing after another and take the new long march road belonging to the younger generation.

turn into spring mud to protect flowers, and do not stop for the people“ if you give me three days of light, what i want to do most is to see my leader. " liu cuiqing, the t11 women's 400m champion of the tokyo paralympic games, deeply moved everyone and made his leader xu donglin successfully "out of the circle". liu cuiqing and xu donglin have been fighting side by side with a 10 cm traction rope for 8 years. because of visual impairment, liu cuiqing can only rely on imagination. xu donglin practiced an action thousands of times before teaching her. before each sprint reaches the finish line, xu donglin will slow down, release his right hand and send liu cuiqing to the finish line. xu donglin is liu cuiqing's comrade in arms and coach, and also the light that points out the way forward for her in the dark world“ young cadres should firmly stand on the people's position, establish the people's feelings, take the people's support, satisfaction and high unhappiness as the fundamental criteria for thinking about problems, making decisions and doing things, pay close attention to the "urgent difficulties and expectations" of the people, and make great efforts in rural revitalization, social governance and environmental optimization, so as to truly solve the difficulties of increasing people's income and getting rich medical education is blocked and the living environment is painful. be a good "servant" and "intimate person" for the masses.


with chinese paralympic athletes zhou jiamin and wang hao holding high the five-star red flag on the evening of august 24, the trip of chinese paralympic athletes to tokyo olympic games began. in this year's tokyo paralympic games, china sent 251 athletes to participate, which is the most major event in the paralympic games held abroad. the paralympic games is not only a competitive arena, but also a spiritual symbol of self-improvement. in this arena, we can often see extraordinary moving, unyielding struggle and blooming towards the sun... under the reflection of the olympic flame symbolizing the paralympic spirit of "equality, participation and sharing", chinese paralympic athletes will maintain an optimistic and hardworking attitude and become "light seekers" in the arena in the name of self-improvement.

pursue the "light of mission" in the name of self-improvement. the light of self-improvement comes from the patriotism of "mission on the shoulder and winning glory for the country". patriotism has always been the most simple emotion flowing in the olympic field. the performance of all olympic athletes is a vivid interpretation of the close connection between "small self" and "big self". their style display carries the deep expectations of the motherland and the people. every moment of winning the gold medal of "ego" makes the whole land of china boiling and happy. the motherland is also the strong backing of olympic athletes forever. china advocates the national fitness program and continues to promote the development of sports and health for the disabled. with the change of years, china's sports industry has developed by leaps and bounds. paralympic athletes are more confident and confident in such a powerful motherland. as zhang haidi, chairman of the disabled persons' federation, mentioned, "the development of the cause of disabled people in china has created opportunities for more disabled people to participate. the facilities for disabled people to participate in sports training are getting better and more advanced ". the patriotism condensed from the fervent patriotism will certainly gather great strength and inspire the paralympic athletes to fight to the end. we look forward to the excellent performance of athletes at the paralympic games, show the world the "chinese power" and let our compatriots see the patriotism shining in the light of struggle.

pursue the "light of struggle" in the name of self-improvement. the light of self-reliance shows the will character of "fearing difficulties and fighting tenaciously". the most is fighting to see the spirit, the most is fighting to call youth. it is hard to forget the "brilliant moment" with warm eyes. what is more moving is the will and character of the olympic athletes who are not afraid of difficulties and tenacious struggle. as lang ping, the coach of the chinese women's volleyball team, said, "life is not necessarily to win, but to strive to win!" on the first day of the tokyo paralympic games, the paralympic athletes gave full play to their "efforts" and fought against their opponents on the field, which fully demonstrated the passion and hard work of chinese athletes. physical defects did not defeat these fighters. they constantly injected self-improvement into their body and soul, and made several times of ordinary people's efforts in training. the sweat and hard work they shed in overcoming difficulties are the proof of their pursuit of light. for example, zhang yan, who participated in the table tennis competition of the paralympic games for the fifth time, is 54 years old. over the past 21 years, he has persisted in training and found his own meaning of life in his unremitting struggle. the spiritual charm of the paralympic games is to encourage disabled athletes to bear the wind and rain in the face of setbacks and difficulties, and always struggle. we look forward to the brilliance and glory of chinese paralympic athletes in their heroic struggle.


the tokyo paralympic games are in full swing. we can see that the paralympic athletes who pursue their dreams on the field seem to have a pair of "invisible wings", carrying the perseverance of struggle, the tension of life and human potential. they work bravely and forge ahead. we can't help but marvel that it is the most beautiful "wing" with endless life and struggle!

look, that is the most beautiful brave "wings", carrying the perseverance of struggle to fight in the sky. the olympic games are the arena of heroes, and the athletes in the paralympic games are heroes who constantly strive to improve themselves and break through themselves. in the paralympic games, most of the paralympic mobilization have experienced the trough of life. it is sports that has inserted brave "wings" for them, so that they can find a direction, work hard and forge these wings stronger and stronger. on the paralympic stage, from liang guihua, a one legged cyclist, to zheng tao, a swimmer who won the championship and broke the world record, to tan yujiao, a weightlifter who won the gold medal in a wheelchair... thrilling competitions, touching moments, zhang gangyi's face and tenacious bodies, both show a positive attitude, tenacious style and high fighting spirit, and vividly interpret the sports spirit of fighting bravely and never giving up. their brave "wings" move and inspire people all over the world.

look, that is the most beautiful dream "wings", carrying the tension of life and flying high. the paralympic games are a stage for disabled athletes to challenge fate. in other fields, some people come to win the championship and some fight to break the record. however, athletes in the paralympic games have paid unimaginable hardships just standing on the field. these contestants all inspire the tension of life and fight for their dreams with bare hands. hamato, a table tennis player who serves with his feet and takes a racket with his mouth, is only "one step away" from the national team. xiong guiyan, a "mother" player who was diagnosed with sclerosing osteomyelitis, judges the direction of the ball only by hearing and won the runner up of the third paralympic games. the 26 year old chinese women's blind team... they continue to pursue their dreams under the witness of the fifth ring of the olympic games. as hamaza said, "disability does not lie in hands and feet, but in the lack of perseverance to finish what you want to do and complete your dreams!" they are not superman, but they can "fly". they have to work hard to leave themselves a gorgeous period. they have the "wings" of their dreams.

look, it's the most beautiful beyond "wings", carrying the potential of mankind. the olympic games select the healthy body of mankind, and the paralympic games gather the most unyielding soul of mankind“ "spirit in sports" is the concept of the paralympic games. athletes interpret this transcendental spirit all the time. "faster, higher and stronger" is the olympic motto, but paralympic athletes further sublimate it. zhang yan, a 54 year old wheelchair table tennis player who participated in the paralympic games for the fifth time, although his peak state has passed and he has won two gold medals, he did not give up, but worked harder to constantly break through and surpass himself. surpassing himself is the expectation of disabled athletes. it is this indomitable belief that does not bow to fate or yield to difficulties that stimulates the potential of the human body and creates miracles one after another. the paralympic athletes play the beautiful movement of life with their transcendent "wings".

paralympic athletes announce to the world with practical actions that as long as they dare to dream and challenge themselves, anyone can become a strong man in life. although they had no arms, they slapped fate in the face; although they lose their light, they fly against the wind in the dark; although they are silent, they make music full of the true meaning of life. therefore, when we encounter difficulties in life, please think about these extremely determined athletes and see their most beautiful "wings". the incomplete body can not bind a great soul. why don't we be brave, pursue our dreams and surpass?







  东京残奥会塞尔维亚第九十六个出场;96. serbie,serbia,セルビア,(塞尔维亚);残奥会中,中国残奥代表团共获得96金60银51铜总计207枚奖牌,中国代表团连续五届残奥会金牌、奖牌双第一;残奥会吉祥物的名字被定为someity,(发音为soh-may-tee)来自someiyoshino,一种流行的樱花品种,并且还与英语短语“如此强大”相呼应,someity拥有触觉樱花传感器,具有巨大的精神和动力,它代表残奥运动员克服障碍并重新定义挑战界限,someity是一个很酷的角色,有樱花触觉传感器和超能力,它可以使用其脸部两侧的樱花天线进行心灵感应发送和接收信息;这里将超越国籍、种族、性别、文化等一切差异,人们互相融合,彼此更加了解。



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