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明星梅西的资料 体育明星梅西

日期:2024-04-07 05:43:55作者:人气:0



  1. 梅西的真实身高
  2. 梅西喜欢中国哪个明星
  3. 求一篇写梅西的作文
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英文名:lionel andrés messi




出生地: 罗萨里奥省





personal details 个人介绍

name: lionel andrés messi 里奥内尔 ~~ 梅西

position: forward 前锋

place of birth: santa fe (argentina) 阿根廷的某个地方

date: 24-06-1987 1987年六月二十四日

heignt: 1'69 身高 1.69米

weight: 67 体重 67公斤

statistics 07/08

lionel andrés messi

this argentinian striker's footballing career started in 1995 at newell's old boys, where he played until the year 2000. at the age of 13, lionel messi crossed the atlantic to try his luck in barcelona, and joined the under 14s. 这位阿根廷射手的足球生涯是从1995年的newell old boys足球俱乐部开始的,他在那里效力了五年。在梅西13岁的时候,他横跨大西洋到巴塞罗那试试运气,后来他加入了14岁以下的青训队

messi made spectacular progress at each of the different age levels, climbing through the ranks of the different youth teams and then barça c, followed by barça b and the first team in record time.梅西在不同的年龄水平中取得惊人的进步,从青年队到c队,从c队到b队,从b对来到一线队在短时间内~

in the 2003-2004 season, when he was still only 16, messi made his first team debut in a friendly with porto that marked the opening of the new dragao stadium. the following championship-winning season, messi made his first appearance in an official match on october 16, 2004, in barcelona's derby win against espanyol at the olympic stadium (0-1).在03-04赛季,只有16岁的梅西在巴塞罗那与porto友谊赛中上演自己的处子秀。他在正式比赛首次上场是在04年欧冠,10月16号在奥林匹亚体育馆,巴塞罗那与西班牙人的巴塞罗纳德比的比赛中

with several first team players seriously injured, the services of several reserve team players were called upon, and messi became a regular feature of barça squads. on may 1, 2005, he became the youngest player ever to score a league goal for fc barcelona - against albacete when messi was only 17 years, 10 months and 7 days old. that record would eventually be beaten by bojan.随着几位一队队员严重受伤,几位预备队的球员来到了1队,梅西成为了正式巴萨的一名球员~在2005年5月1号,对albacete 他成为巴萨进球史上最为年轻的球员~~当时他只有17岁零10个月零7天大,现在这项纪录已被bojan打破~~~

at the under 20 world cup in holland, messi not only won the title with argentina, but was also the leading goalscorer and was voted best player in the tournament. aged 18 years, he had become one of the hottest properties in the world game. shortly after, he made his first full international appearance in a friendly against hungary.在荷兰u20世青赛中,他不仅带领阿根廷赢得冠军,还凭借着他的进球,被评为最佳球员。年仅18岁就成为最热的球星之一,不久后他第一次代表国家队上场与匈牙利进行友谊赛。

his breakthrough as a player came in the 2005-06 season, starting with an amazing performance in the joan gamper trophy match against juventus. he was also outstanding at the santiago bernabéu, in barcelona's unforgettable 3-0 win, and also at stamford bridge, in the champions league match against chelsea. injury kept him sidelined for much of the latter stage of the season. messi played a total of 17 league games, 6 in the champions league and 2 in the copa del rey. messi scored eight goals.他作为一名球员来到05-06赛季的重大突破,是在xxx锦标赛对阵尤文图斯,上令人惊讶的表演开始的。他在的santiago bernabéu,在巴萨令人难忘的3-0的的比赛中和欧冠中在斯坦福对阵切尔西中都有突出的表现。伤病使他在这赛季中经常坐板凳~~。梅西总共上场17场比赛,6场是欧冠的,2场是copa del rey。他的总进球数为8


messi is an unusual player. he is highly creative, and has the skills to take on defenders with ease. he is a versatile left-footed player who can play either in the middle or on either wing, or even as a centre forward.梅西是个不同寻常的球员。他难以预测,他所具有的即时可以使他轻松面对后卫们。他不仅可以当左边锋,他还可以打中路或者是边路,甚至是中锋~~

although he is quite short, he is so fast and physically strong that he can cope with larger opponents. he is incredibly powerful, and a specialist in such dead ball situations as corners, free kicks and penalties.虽然他很矮,但是他跑起来很快,身体上的强壮使他可以很对手抗衡。他有着不可相信的能量,在角球、定位球和点球上算得上专家

leo messi is cool-headed and able to assume several responsibilities in times of need. he is a player who is destined to have a very successful career in football.里奥梅西有着冷静理智的头脑,能够在需要的时候承担很大的责任~。他是一个命中注定将在足球生涯中获得成功的球员。


fc barcelona

2006-07 spanish supercup

2005-06 champions league

2005-06 league

2005-06 spanish supercup

2004-05 league

argentinian national team

2004-05 world cup under-20

1 spectacular

kk: []

dj: []

adj.(very grand,interesting or attractive)壮观,精彩,吸引人的,惊人的

the view from the top of the hill is quite spectacular.从山顶向下望,景色颇为壮观

a spectacular display of fireworks/a spectacular fireworks display 精彩的烟花表演

(unusually great or large)巨大的,辉煌的

his new show is a spectacular success 他的新节目去得了巨大成功

n.(an event or performance that is very large and impressive)壮观的场面,盛大的演出

a television spectacular 场面宏大的电视节目

2 rank

(1)position in army/organization 军队/组织中的职位 the position or level that someone holds in an organization,especially in the police or armed force.等级[尤其指,军阶,军衔]

promotion to the rank of general. 晋升为将军。

职务 high/senior/low/junior rank

(2)the ranks (all the members of the armed forces who are not officers普通士兵)

a* be reduced to the ranks 降为士兵(be punished by no longer being an officer)

b* rise from the ranks 从士兵升为军官(become an officer after being an ordinary soldier)

the ranks (the people who belong to an organization or to a group[组织或团体的]成员)

the pay freeze led to a lot of discontent in the ranks.工资冻结导致职员牢骚满腹

the christian democrats now face opposition from within their own ranks.基督教民主党目前面临来自党内的反对。

a* join the ranks of(become a member of a group)加入…的行列

she was forced to join the ranks of the self-employed.他被迫加入自由职业者的行列。

(3)close ranks (紧密团结)

if the people in a group close ranks,they joy together to support each other people.

at the first hint of the trouble their family closes ranks.刚露出麻烦的迹象,他们全家便团结一致了。

(4)break ranks

a* (to stop supporting a group that you are member of)不再支持[所属团体]


(5)pull rank (on) (不公正地)运用权势

you may just have to pull rank and tell them they have to do it.也许你只需运用权势,告诉他们必须这样做。

rank (6)人或物的行,列

rank after rank/ rank upon rank

on the shelves were rank after rank of lipuor bottles.架子上是一排排的酒瓶

列队 a line of polices,soldiers etc standing side by side.

(7) of the first rank 一流的

mary is a poet of the first rank.mary是一流的诗人。


the people of all ranks in society.社会各阶层的人



rank among/as/with

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