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2010世界杯主题曲名字 2010世界杯主题歌曲中文

日期:2023-12-24 00:30:42作者:人气:2



  1. 南非世界杯的主题曲名字叫什么?
  2. 谁有2010世界杯主题曲的歌词???
  3. 2010世界杯主题曲歌词是什么
  4. 历年世界杯主题曲


2010年世界杯唯一官方指定主题曲为拉丁天后shakira的《waka waka》(《非洲时刻》)!

现在网上流行的说法是世界杯主题曲是31岁歌手克南(k'naan)旗帜飘扬(wavin' flag)。k'naan的只是世界杯主题的歌曲,不是官方的。2010年南非世界杯主题曲应该是拉丁歌手shakira演唱的waka waka (this time for africa)(中译:哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻)!!

打个比方:waka waka相当于北京奥运会的《我和你》;wavin' flag则相当于《北京欢迎你》


2010年南非世界杯主题曲 wavin’flag(《飘扬的旗帜》)


《飘扬的旗帜》表达了对这片充满战火 、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。


give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher


see the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud


in the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition,


celebration its around us, every nations, all around us


singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun


lets rejoice in the beautiful game.


and together at the end of the day.


we all say


when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom just like a wavin' flag


and then it goes back


and then it goes back


and then it goes back


《旗开得胜》(2010 世界杯足球赛 中文主题曲)

演唱者:k’naan 张学友 张靓颖



when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back

ahhho ahhho ahhho

born to a throne

stronger than rome

but violent prone

poor people zone

but its my home

all i have known

where i got grown

streets we would roam

out of the darkness

i came the farthest

among the hardest survive

learn form these streets

it can be bleak

accept no defeet

surrender retreat

(so we struggling)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithful day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back

ahhho ahhho ahhho

so many wars

settling scores

bring us promises

leaving us poor

i heard them say

love is the way

love is the answer

thats what they say

but look how they treat us

make us believers

we fight there battles

then they deceive us

try to control us

they couldn't hold us

cause we just move forward

like buffalo soldiers

(but we strugglin)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithfully day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back

ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

and everybody will be singing it

and you and i will be singing it

and we all will be singing it

wo wah wo ah wo ah

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back

a oh a oh a oh

when i get older

when i get older

i will be stronger

just like a wavin flag

flag flag

just like a wavin flag 这是英文版的


第一,1990年意大利世界杯《意大利之夏》。谈及意大利世界杯,除了球迷们印象深刻的开幕式上的时装秀,就是主题曲《意大利之夏》了,歌曲的英文名叫《to be number one》,由意大利流行乐大师吉奥吉·莫罗德和吉娜·娜尼尼共同演唱。原唱录音版较舒缓传统,现场演唱版则加入更多摇滚节奏,也被称为史上最经典的体育歌曲,至今仍被球迷和歌迷津津乐道。同样的旋律,在香港由林振强填上粤语歌词,由谭咏麟演唱,一首振奋人心的《理想与和平》就此成为华语流行乐坛永恒的金曲。

第二,1994年美国世界杯《gloryland》荣耀之地。1994年美国世界杯的主题曲是《gloryland(荣耀之地)》,由歌手达利尔-豪创作并演唱,歌曲融合了多种音乐风格,将传统民谣和流行音乐结合到一起,给全世界球迷带来了全新的音乐体验,不过这首歌并没有广泛流行起来。而本届世界杯流行的却是另一首老歌,它就是于1977年发行、由queen(皇后乐队)演唱的歌曲《we will rock you》,也曾被《滚石》杂志评为历史上最伟大的500首歌曲第330名。节奏感、摇滚范,不少有网友表示:“恐怕再也找不到哪支歌曲能比《we will rock you》更适合出现在体育赛场上。”

第三,1998年法国世界杯《the cup of life》生命之杯。1998年法国世界杯的主题曲《the cup of life》,中文名为《生命之杯》,歌曲由拉丁音乐的代表人物瑞奇·马丁演唱的歌曲,这首歌也被称作世界杯的经典主题曲之一,传唱度甚高。歌曲中的鼓乐节奏和号角奏鸣的旋律都十分振奋人心,特别是副歌“go go go ale ale ale”的部分,给人很强的代入感,后来,此曲成为很多足球节具用来讨托气氛的第一选用曲目。



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