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日期:2024-03-04 09:41:56作者:人气:0



  1. 翻译英语短文Putin satisfied with Russian Grand Prix

翻译英语短文Putin satisfied with Russian Grand Prix

俄罗斯总统普京(vladimir putin)在10月12日观看了俄罗斯的首次一级方程式大奖赛(formula one grand prix)。按一级方程式管理公司的总裁兼首席执行官伯尼埃克莱斯顿(bernie ecclestone)表示,普京总统对赛事还挺满意。

于比赛结束后,普京总统甚至颁发奖杯予冠军得主——来自梅赛德斯车队(mercedes)的英国车手刘易斯汉密尔顿(lewis hamilton)。汉密尔顿在比赛中夺标,保持了他的九连胜记录,仅以17分领先他的队友尼可罗斯伯格(nico rosberg)。俄罗斯车手丹尼尔科维亚特(daniil kvyat),来自红牛二队(toro rosso),终以第14位完成赛事。

国际汽车联合会(international automobile federation)的一级方程式赛事总监查理怀汀(charlie whiting)表示,在俄罗斯首次举行的一级方程式大奖赛近乎完美。




russian president vladimir putin watched russia's first ever formula one grand prix race on oct. 12. he was quite satisfied with the event, according to formula one chief bernie ecclestone.

after the race, putin even awarded the trophy to the winner of the race, british racer lewis hamilton from mercedes. hamilton finished first in the race, securing his ninth win of the season and putting him 17 points ahead of his teammate, nico rosberg. russian racer daniil kvyat from toro rosso finished in 14th position.

the first russian formula one grand prix was almost ideal, said charlie whiting, the formula one race director at the international automobile federation.

he praised the high level of organization of the event, and added that although it was a new racetrack and none of the competing racers knew it well enough, there had been no emergency situations.



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